3D & GameDev Trainer Helge Maus in a remote Godot training.

Done – my first German-language “Godot Fundamentals” (“Grundlagen der Game Entwicklung mit der Godot Game Engine”) course took place last week. Further advanced courses are already planned. More information here: http://www.pixeltrain.net/events/ This marks another milestone in the restructuring of my training offerings towards FOSS:In addition to “Blender for Production” now also “Indie Game Development with Godot”. I believe indie productions are important for the creative future!

pixeltrain Blender Academy mit Senior Blender trainer Helge Maus

A quick reminder for all Blender enthusiasts:Next week I’ll be starting two training courses for BlenderFundamentals: ⭐ pixeltrain Blender Academy – Fundamentals (with Senior Blender trainer Helge Maus)starting from January 20th, remote, in 🇬🇧 English:👉 shorturl.at/e8NG3 ⭐ Blender Grundlagen Schulung (mit Senior Blender Trainer Helge Maus)in collaboration with the Visualisierungs-Akademie Schweiz GmbHJanuary 23rd + 24th, remote, in 🇩🇪 German:👉 shorturl.at/cXWj4 There are still seats available in both courses 🙂I’m lookingRead More

Helge Maus with his dog Bailey at the beach.

Let’s talk 2025!

Yesterday was officially my first day at work and I would therefore like to wish you all a healthy, successful and happy year 2025. All the best for you personally and for your creative projects 🎨! Like last year, I published my annual planning and a few thoughts on my (free) Patreon👉 https://www.patreon.com/posts/lets-talk-about-119489745?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Have fun!Helge

pixeltrain Blender Academy 2025 with Senior 3D-vfx-GameDev Trainer Helge Maus

Let’s go into a successful and creative year 2025. If you want to learn Blender in a structured and practice-proven way, then I would like to introduce you to our pixeltrain Blender Academy. With our module course system you build your own learning path tailored to your needs. The modules can be booked separately according to needs and prior knowledge. pixeltrain’s Academy is characterized by small learning groups, well-structured unitsRead More

Blender Goo Engine for NPR Rendering

Are you a fan of NPR Rendering or Anime in Blender? Big things are coming to Blender. I’ve written a short article on my (free) Patreon about that: https://www.patreon.com/posts/blender-npr-and-118284610?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Have fun! Helge

Finally the new Godot Engine showreel for 2024 is out and and shows the work of so many talented and motivated game developers. Amazing! 👉 https://youtu.be/n1Lon_Q2T18?si=oAbSIvFzgT2-g-kC Keep in mind that there are many, many more games out there made with Godot. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Thanks to all the developers and supporters of this amazing free and open-source game engine. And, if you are interested, here

Godot Game Engine gets Jolt

https://www.patreon.com/posts/godot-4-4-jolt-117824214?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Yesterday was a big day for all Godot Engine game developers working on 3d games using physics. Since yesterday the Jolt Physics Engine was added as an alternative 3D Physics Engine to the source code of the coming Godot 4.4 version. A little bit of background for that: The stable version of Godot has it’s own 3d physics engine, which is used for all kinds of physics simulation in 3d games. These typesRead More

Godot Development Snapshot 4.4 dev 6

Today another development snapshot of the coming Godot version 4.4 is out.👉 https://godotengine.org/article/dev-snapshot-godot-4-4-dev-6/ So for everyone who wants to play with the new version or test some features you can now download this version from the Godot’s website: 👉 https://godotengine.org/ Beside of the many, many small improvements and bugfixes there are also again some new features adding to the others which were added in the dev snapshots for Godot 4.4 before.Read More

pixeltrain | Helge Maus is teaching online Blender & Godot

You are looking for an online class for your Blender Learning Path with a well structured curriculum?
 With our module course system you build your own learning path tailored to your needs. You can book only one or two or all the modules, however you want 🙂 pixeltrain’s Academy is characterized by small learning groups, well-structured units while keeping room to meet the needs of each individual. All sessions are held live byRead More

Blender Kurse mit 3D Senior Trainer Helge Maus / pixeltrain

The last Blender training courses for this year still have a few seats available. I’m looking forward to help you deepen your Blender production knowlege. These trainings are delivered in person by Senior Trainer & Mentor Helge Maus.Helge teaches 3D-, VFX & Game software and workflows for over 20 years. If you are interested in an individual Blender or Godot Game Engine training with Helge Maus, you can reach usRead More