patreon Page of Helge Maus / pixeltrain - Blender - Godot - Fusion

I’m not sure if you all have seen it, but I started to upload all the tutorial videos of my “Blender Fundamentals” publication to my Patreon for the $5 tier. At the end it will be around 25 hours of content 😉 I plan for the future, that following publications about Blender and Godot will be published as a buyable product and as Patreon videos at the same time. TheRead More

Tutorial Blender 4.1 - New Features - Keyframes & Keying Sets by Helge Maus / pixeltrain

Just published a short Blender tutorial on YouTube. It’s about the changes and improvements of the keyframing workflow in Blender 4.1 . This video was recorded some time ago for my Patreon page (👉 ) and thanks to my supporters it’s now also on YouTube: 👉 Have fun! Helge

pixeltrain Patreon by Helge Maus. Blender & Godot tutorials.

As many of you probably know, in addition to my normal job as trainer for 3D, VFX and games, I also publish many free video tutorials and articles on industry-relevant topics. Since I’m lucky enough that some nice folks support me on Patreon, you’ll find everything collected there again in my profile. And, unlike on YouTube, you can enjoy my videos there without any advertising noise and distractions 😉 👉Read More

Blender Kurse mit 3D Senior Trainer Helge Maus / pixeltrain

Du möchtest Blender effizient und fundiert lernen und fit werden fĂŒr die tĂ€gliche Produktion?DafĂŒr habe ich in Zusammenarbeit mit der Visualisierungs-Akademie ein komplettes Kursprogramm konzeptioniert.Diese Kurse werden online in kleinen GruppengrĂ¶ĂŸen in deutscher Sprache durchgefĂŒhrt.  Mehr Informationen und die aktuellen Termine findest Du hier:👉 Blender Grundlagen👉 Blender Modelingkurs👉 Blender Shading & Rendering Kurs👉 Blender EinfĂŒhrung in Animation & Rigging👉 If you are interested in these trainings in English, please let me know (Read More

Blender Rendering & Shading Schulung mit Helge Maus / pixeltrain

In Zusammenarbeit mit der Visualisierungs-Akademie Schweiz GmbH bieten wir ein komplettes Blender Curriculum mit deutschsprachigen Live-Online-Klassenraum-Trainings an. Unser “Blender Rendering & Shading” Training (2-Tage Workshop) findet am 04. + 05. April 2024 statt. Sei mit dabei! Informationen und Anmeldung auf der Website: Bei Fragen hierzu stehe ich gerne zur VerfĂŒgung 🙂 P.S. If you are interested in an english class for Blender or an english company training please contact me on info(at)pixeltrain.netRead More

Blender Shortfilm Wildheart

Today I want to share another amazing and beautiful Blender shortfilm project with the name „Wildheart“. The goal of the makers of this short is to make a feature-length film in the future. So they started with this short film. I hope you like it as much as I do! It tells the story of the bond between two street living kids as they search for a sense of family.Read More

Helge Maus 2024

Dear Followers, Today is officially my second day at work and I would therefore like to wish you all a healthy, successful and happy year 2024. I wish you many creative thoughts and projects. I would also like to thank my dear Patreons, for their support and loyalty. Their constant support means a lot to me and it motivates me to stay on track with my vision: I want toRead More

Helge Maus / pixeltrain talking about Blender for Production at the View Conference

Some time ago I had the pleasure to talk to Kirill (Kyrylo) Tokarev from about the State of Blender in the industry, how to learn it and my personal journey into the 3d & vfx industry: Hope you like it and find some inspiration in it! Helge P.S. You can also follow me on my (free) Patreon:

Blender Shortfilm "Supertramp" by Fabrizio Gammardella

Some time ago I’ve written about the Shortfilm “Supertramp” by Fabrizio Gammardella. It was made in Blender by a small team of talented artists. At the moment there is the opportunity to watch it in the free section of the Festival del Cinema di Salerno. The film is heartbreaking on one side, but also a wonderful experience to watch. The animation of the dog and the communication without wordsRead More

pixeltrain Blender Academy 2024

🔥 pixeltrain Blender Academy 2024 🔥 dates are fixed now! Would you like to learn Blender in a well-founded and practice-oriented way?Without watching hundreds of redundant and shallow tutorials? Learn online, with live teaching sessions, in small groups and with personal mentoring from Senior 3D & VFX trainer Helge Maus. Through our modular system, you can build your own curriculum to suit your previous knowledge, pace and goals. The nextRead More