It’s finally done! Helge and his team worked for more than a year on this epic publication and are happy and proud to be finally able to tell you all about it. So here are the details about the contents of this video-tutorial:
This publication “pixeltrain – Houdini FX Fundamentals >> Fast Forward“ by experienced trainer Helge Maus is a complete Introduction to Houdini FX.
In 117 lessons with a duration of 18,5 hours, your instructor Helge Maus provides you with a step by step approach to understanding Houdini FX and its workflow as a fully featured 3d application.
This training is designed to get you up and running quickly, enabling you with the skills needed to work effectively in this incredibly powerful 3d and vfx package. Additionally, it lays the foundation of essential concepts and paradigms to understand more advanced topics for other modules of Houdini FX down the road.
In this course, Helge Maus starts from the ground up providing you with a solid and practice-oriented foundation in Houdini FX.
First, he takes you through the user interface, followed by an exploration of the different levels and contexts of a Houdini project. You will conclude by learning how to manage these concepts through the production cycle within Houdini FX.
You will write your first expressions in Hscript. Therein, you will learn the concepts of dependencies between objects, explore using groups and packed geometries and finish by building your first asset.
Once you have those primary skills under your belt, Helge gives you a brief introduction into working with VOPs (vex visual scripting), Digital Assets, Volumes and VDBs.
After that, you will start learning the basics of modeling inside of Houdini FX. You will begin with the basics of NURBS Curves and generating surfaces, followed by the powerful and flexible polygon modeling tools.
Important topics like Deformations and UVs are explained in-depth and demonstrated.
After you have learned to build your assets, you will assemble your scene, set cameras with physical attributes, and finish with lighting and shading.
Helge wraps up with a practice-oriented introduction of rendering techniques using the Houdini Mantra renderer.
After finishing this training you will have the skills needed to understand the more advanced workflows and modules of Houdini FX.
Topics included:
01 Welcome to Houdini FX [01h 52m]
02 Basic Concepts in Houdini FX [02h 57m]
03 VOPs & Digital Assets [01h 44m]
04 Volumes & VDBs in Houdini FX [01h 04m]
05 Working with Curves [00h 57m]
06 Generating Surfaces [01h 16m]
07 Polygon Modeling [01h 45m]
08 Retopo, PolyBuild & Boolean [01h 04m]
09 Deformations [00h 44m]
10 UVs in Houdini FX [01h 22m]
11 Lighting & Cameras [01h 21m]
12 Shading [01h 54m]
13 Rendering [00h 43m]
You can find the entire table of contents here >> pixeltrain.de/images/stories/Houdini_FX_Fundamentals_Content.pdf
These tutorials were created using mostly Houdini 17.5. However, we made sure that everything will work in Houdini 18+. Also, you will receive subsequent information about any version-based technical changes as needed.
After purchasing these tutorials, please contact us by email (info(at)pixeltrain.de), so that we can send you a dropbox link to the training material.
If you have any problems or questions don’t hesitate to write to us.
If you want to support Helge Maus for publishing more free tutorials you can join his Patreons:
Find more information on pixeltrain.de/en
VIMEO: vimeo.com/pixeltrain
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pixeltrain
Artstation: artstation.com/pixeltrain
We hope, you like this tutorial. We hope, you find it helpful in learning and understanding Houdini FX. It was a pleasure creating this little masterpiece 😉 and Helge and his team will go on producing more tutorials with even more experienced topics. So stay tuned! We appreciate it and wish you all the best and fun in learning Houdini FX!
Helge and his team
Here are two examples taken from the publication: