A quick reminder for all Blender enthusiasts:Next week I’ll be starting two training courses for BlenderFundamentals: ⭐ pixeltrain Blender Academy – Fundamentals (with Senior Blender trainer Helge Maus)starting from January 20th, remote, in 🇬🇧 English:👉 shorturl.at/e8NG3 ⭐ Blender Grundlagen Schulung (mit Senior Blender Trainer Helge Maus)in collaboration with the Visualisierungs-Akademie Schweiz GmbHJanuary 23rd + 24th, remote, in 🇩🇪 German:👉 shorturl.at/cXWj4 There are still seats available in both courses 🙂I’m lookingRead More
Today I want to share an article I found online about Indie productions in animation, games or even other media, why they exist and most importantly what drives them. It answers questions like “Why can an animated short can be produced, when companies like Disney or Pixar need millions of dollars and huge teams?”Why are indie productions really often more attractive than mainstream media? “Indie stories are magic. They haveRead More
Today I would like to introduce you to a free Blender add-on that I constantly use in my daily work with Blender: Machin3Tools. This add-on is a detailed and very complex collection of functions and tools that complement but also change Blender’s functionality.The nice thing about this add-on is that you can choose which functions are useful for your own workflow in the preferences. In my case I only useRead More
>> Introduction to Blender | Visualisierungsakademie Schweiz, July 6 + 7, 2023 On July 6 and 7 I will teach you online taking your first steps in Blender.If you are interested, please check out the detailed information here:https://visualisierungs-akademie.ch/bildung/blender-einfuehrungskurs/ On request I also teach this online course in English. Please do not hesitate to ask your questions (info(at) pixeltrain.net). I am always happy, to hear from everyone who is interested toRead More
You want to dive deeper into Blender and it’s workflows?Together with Visualisierungs-Akademie Schweiz GmbH, I offer all the trainings modules you need to start with Blender and deepen your knowledge depending on your needs. These courses are online in small groups, in German language at the moment.Every course can be booked separately depending on your time, budget and needs. You find all the dates on:https://visualisierungs-akademie.ch Blender Introduction, 2 daysApril 27Read More
We have good news for everyone who wants to dive into Blender, learn the Fundamentals, and beyond.Together with Visualisierungs-Akademie Schweiz GmbH, I will host another season of Blender online workshops in 2023. In this TrainingCycle you will learn everything you need to know in order to work and create with Blender. These are the three Moduls for you becoming a Blender Pro: We start the year with 2 days ofRead More