You want to dive deeper into Blender and it’s workflows?
Together with Visualisierungs-Akademie Schweiz GmbH, I offer all the trainings modules you need to start with Blender and deepen your knowledge depending on your needs.
These courses are online in small groups, in German language at the moment.
Every course can be booked separately depending on your time, budget and needs.
You find all the dates on:
Blender Introduction, 2 days
April 27 + 28, 2023
Blender Shading & Rendering, 2 days
May 11 + 12, 2023
Blender Animation & Rigging, 2 days
April 20 + 21, 2023
June 15 + 16
If you are interested in the same courses in English or you are looking for a company training / individual coaching, please let me know as DM.