>> Introduction to Blender | Visualisierungsakademie Schweiz, September 2021
On September 16 and 17 I will teach you online taking your first steps in Blender.
If you are interested, please check out the detailed information here:
On request I also teach this online course in English. Please do not hesitate to ask your questions (info(at) pixeltrain.net). I am always happy, to hear from everyone who is interested to become an Artist in Blender, Nuke or Houdini FX.
Some of the topics you learn in this course:
- Getting to know the Blender 2.9 Infrastructure
- Installation, AddOns and Konfiguration
- User-Interface and Navigation
- Scene-Organisation, Outlines, Collections
- Polygone-Modeling Techniques
- Working with Curves & Surfaces
- Modifier
- SubDivision Surfaces
- UV Editor
- Lightening, Types of Lights, Previews
- Camera & Physical Setting
- Materials & Shader
- Using Textures
- Photorealism & PBR
- Preview with Eevee (Realtime)
- Using Shading Workspace
- Rendersettings with Eevee and Cycles
- Final Rendering
- Simple Compositing in the Compositing Workspace
- Introduction to Sculpting Workspace
- First Keyframes and Animationen
- Rendering of Animations
>> Blender Online-Training – Rendering with Eevee and Cycles | Visualisierungsakademie Schweiz, October 2021
On October 7 and 8 I give an Online-Training on Rendering in Blender -> https://visualisierungs-akademie.ch/bildung/blender-vertiefung/
Two days of intensive advanced training for everyone who wants to use Blender to create sophisticated materials and visualizations for architecture, product design, games & film.
In addition to photorealistic rendering, you will also learn techniques for non-photorealistic rendering for animation, motion design, manga, comics and architecture / product sketching.
Some of the topics you learn in this course:
- Cycles Render-Engine for Photorealism
- Physical Lighting and Cameras
- Eevee for Realtime Rendering
- Shader Editor
- Building complex Shaders
- Creating photorealistic Materials
- Architecture- & Design Materials
- Detail-Sculpting & Baking
- PBR Workflows
- Image-Finishing with the internal Compositor
- Exchang with Photoshop, After Effects & NUKE
- Internal Freestyle Renderer for Sketch & Toon
- Creating Freestyle Materials
- Creating Comic Shader
- Refining Comic & Manga Stile in the Compositor
For further information, please visit this website:
On request I also teach this online course in English. Please do not hesitate to ask your questions (info(at) pixeltrain.net). I am always happy, to hear from everyone who is interested to become an Artist in Blender, Nuke or Houdini FX.
If you have any questions, please write me on this adress: info (at) pixeltrain.net.
>> Blender Animation Training | Visualisierungsakademie Schweiz, October 2021
On October 14 and 15 I give an Online-Training on Animation in Blender -> „Introduction to Animation and Rigging“
You learn how to work with the powerful Animation Tools of Blender. You get to know helpful add-ons for MotionGraphics and Rigging and you build your first technical and organic animation rigs. We bring camera animations to life and also learn how to export these animations for game engines like Unity, Unreal or Godot. You will get to know Timeline, Dopesheet, Graph Editor, NLA, Shapes and Drivers.
For further information, please visit this website:
On request I also teach this online course in English. Please do not hesitate to ask your questions (info(at) pixeltrain.net). I am always happy, to hear from everyone who is interested to become an Artist in Blender, Nuke or Houdini FX.
If you have any questions, please write me on this adress: info (at) pixeltrain.net.
Hope to see you soon!

Find more information on www.pixeltrain.net
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/pixeltrain3DVFXTrainings
VIMEO: vimeo.com/pixeltrain
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pixeltrain3d
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/pixeltrain
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/pixeltrain
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pixeltrain3d/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pixeltrain