Start your Blender 2.9 Journey now!
Blender 2.9 – A full production suite for 3D, VFX and Animation.
Next to my beloved Houdini FX, Blender is for me the solutions for Modeling, Animation and PreViz.
As you may have seen, I have published the last days 4 free tutorials about the new features of Blender 2.9.
You find them on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/pixeltrain3DVFXTrainings
If you now have the feeling, that you want to start seriously to learn this great free production suite, here are some event tips, where I will be teaching Blender for you.
>> VIEW CONFERENCE 2020, Oct 18 – 23
The next live workshop will be at the exciting VIEW CONFERENCE 2020 – on-site and online
I will give a 2-hours Workshop:
“Blender 2.9: The Free Production Studio for Indies“
in Room Mezzanino on Sunday 18th Oct 2020 in English.
You find more Information about the Online-Workshop here: https://www.viewconference.it/article/384/blender-29-the-free-production-studio-for-indies
And, don’t miss all the other great Keynotes, Masterclasses and talks. This conference is great!
>> Blender-Trainings – Visualisierungs-Akademie Schweiz, Nov & Dec 2020
In Cooperation with Visualisierungs-Akademie Schweiz, I will teach again some online sessions for small groups of 4-8 attendees. This is in german language. If you are interested in an English workshop, please let me know!
Blender 2.9 – Einführungskurs
Date: 26 and 27 November, 2020 – online
You find more Information about the Training here: https://visualisierungs-akademie.ch/bildung/blender-einfuehrungskurs/
Blender 2.9 – Rendering mit Eevee und Cycles
Date:04 December, 2020 – online
You find more Information about the Training here: https://visualisierungs-akademie.ch/bildung/blender-vertiefung/
Blender 2.9 – Animation & Rigging
Date: 10 and 11 December, 2020 – online
You find more Information about the Training here: https://visualisierungs-akademie.ch/bildung/blender-animation/
If you have questions or your company wants to adapt Blender (or Houdini FX) to the pipeline, get in contact. I’m happy to help!