The amazing program for the VIEW Conference 2022 (https://www.viewconference.it) is online!
If you join this year’s Conference you will have the chance to start your Blender journey with 3 workshops for beginners:
Blender 3.3: The Free Production Studio for Indies
Tuesday 18th, 14:00 – 15:00
Blender 3.3: First Steps into Rigging of Props and Characters in Blender
Sunday 16th, 10:00-12:30
Blender 3.3: First Steps into Blender’s 3D Animation System & 2D Grease Pencil
Monday 17th, 11:15 – 14:15
Here is the direct link to the program:
Don’t miss the opportunity to visit also the other exciting workshops and talks.
I am looking so forward to meeting you all in person!