Welcome to our new “Houdini FX Practice Hour” project.
This time we will model, texture and render a Toothbrush with glass.
Also, we will dive into the Houdini FX groom system for generating the bristles with hair.
Hope, you like it – if yes, please subscribe 🙂
In this tutorial, we will create a Houdini FX project and talk about the importance of the project structure and the Houdini variables $JOB and $HOME and to make sure, that your paths will not break when transferring the project to another machine or a render farm.
These topics are covered:
- Generation a new Houdini FX project
- Getting out of a stuck dialog box
- The importance of $JOB and $HOME
- Aliases and Variables dialog
- Making sure your paths are always correct
- Switching and activating a project
- Adding reference images to the structure
This tutorial series „Houdini Practice Hour“ is meant for newbies in Houdini FX, who want to learn the basic tasks of modeling, uvs, shading, lighting and rendering on a project base in Houdini FX.
I will explain you step by step the workflows and tools, so you can follow along and then experiment for deepen your knowledge. Learning means „getting your hands dirty“.
This series doesn’t give you the most effective, elegant or the “only right way”, it’s concepted to give you a solid learning experience.
If your are searching for a complete introduction into the fundamentals of Houdini FX, you can take a look here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/houdinifxfundamentals
If you have questions or topics, which should be added, please let us know.
If you want to support Helge Maus for publishing more free tutorials you could join his Patreons: https://www.patreon.com/pixeltrain3d
Or you can download the Project files on Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/pixeltrain3d
Find more information on pixeltrain.de YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/pixeltrain3DVFXTrainings
VIMEO: https://www.vimeo.com/pixeltrain
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pixeltrain
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/pixeltrain